Dropping Flos: A Journey of Letting Go and Moving Forward

The Importance of Letting Go

Life is full of ups and downs. It is natural to experience challenges and setbacks, but how you respond to them will determine whether you thrive or crumble. One of the biggest obstacles to success and happiness is holding on to things that no longer serve us. It could be a past relationship, a destructive habit, or a limiting belief. Whatever it is, it holds us back from reaching our full potential and living the life we truly desire.

Letting go may seem daunting at first, but it is essential for growth and progress. It clears the space for new opportunities and experiences to flow in. Just like pruning a tree, cutting off the dead branches allows for new growth and rejuvenation.

Flos and the Art of Surrender

Flos is a term used in Latin for “flower.” In the book “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael A. Singer, he uses the metaphor of a flower to describe the importance of surrendering to life’s circumstances. He explains that just like a flower follows the natural course of life, from blooming to withering away, we too must surrender to the flow of life without resistance. By surrendering, we open ourselves up to the possibilities that life presents, instead of holding on to a narrow-minded vision of what we think should happen.

This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have goals or aspirations. It simply means that we should be flexible in how we achieve them. Sometimes the path we choose may not be the best one, and by surrendering we allow for a new direction to present itself.

The Benefits of Surrender

Surrendering to life doesn’t mean that we give up or become passive. It means that we become more attuned to the present moment and the opportunities it presents. We develop a deeper sense of trust in ourselves and in the universe. This leads to less stress and anxiety, as we are not constantly trying to control or manipulate outcomes.

We also become more resilient and adaptable. By surrendering to life’s circumstances, we learn to roll with the punches and bounce back from setbacks. We develop a growth mindset, where we see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.


In the journey of life, we must learn to let go of the things that no longer serve us. We must surrender to the flow of life, trusting that the universe has our best interest at heart. By doing so, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences, and we become more resilient and adaptable along the way. The art of surrender is a powerful tool that can lead to a life of fulfillment and joy.

So, let us drop our flos and embrace the beauty of the present moment.

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